Monday, October 25, 2010

Megamind (2010) is an upcoming comedy and animation movie under the direction of Tom McGrath and written by Alan J. Schoolcraft and Brent Simons. This movie is scheduled to be released on November 5, 2010 in theaters worldwide. The film stars, Will Ferrell voice of Megamind, Tina Fey voice of Roxanne Ritchi, Brad Pitt voice of Metro Man, Jonah Hill voice of Hal/Tighten, and David Cross voice of Minion.

In Megamind (2010), Megamind decides that the only way out of his rut is to create a new hero opponent called "Titan," who promises to be bigger, better and stronger than Metro Man ever was. Pretty quickly Titan starts to think it’s much more fun to be a villain than a good guy

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